Doctor Prisoner centers around an ace doctor in a university hospitals emergency care center, a skilled professional who treats his patients with full devotion and without discrimination. However, his medical license gets suspended as a result of a medical malpractice incident that arises when the hospital board director causes a ruckus. He then gets his certificate as a medical internist and applies to work at a prison, where his plan is to cozy up to all the big-shots there-business tycoons, celebrities caught for doing drugs, sports stars guilty of gambling-and to win allies, with the ultimate goal of getting revenge against the hospital that ousted him. To do so, hell get rid of the existing prison chief doctor and claim the spot for himself
3 Ratings
Drama Series,Thriller Series,Shorts Series,Korean Series,
Hwang In-Hyuk, Kim Byung-Chul, Namkoong Min, Nara, Choi Won-young, Lee Da-In, Ryeoun, Jin Hee-Kyung, Jang Hyun-Sung,