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Name : Tony Giglio

Gender : male

Born :

Place of birth : USA

Tony Giglio

Tony Giglio worked his way up from a Production Assistant to become one of Hollywood's most versatile Writer-Directors. Giglio's first job in film was as a Production Assistant on the Quick & The Dead. Giglio, a huge fan of The Evil Dead, wrote director Sam Raimi a letter prior to graduating college seeking employment with him. Much to his surprise, Raimi answered his letter and said, "if he (Giglio) decided to relocate to LA, to look him up." Giglio moved to California shortly after graduation, reconnected with Raimi's office just as Raimi had signed on to direct The Quick & the Dead. Giglio started as an office P.A., but later served as a Set P.A.. Location P.A. and Sam Raimi's P.A. on the production in Arizona.